Thur~day June 23, 1887

          Left home at 5:35 a.m.. The Olneyville swamp, being bad,
 I had to take a team to reach the Boston train at 7:00. Arrived in Boston at 8:45 and the boat at 9:45. Steamed out from the wharf 10 minutes before 11. Passed the light ship about noon.
The taking of ti:le log begins on the leaving of the pilot which
is usually at the light ship and all distances beyond is reckoned there from. The rooms are not assigned until we are at sea
and then the purser is seen whose duty it is to look after that matter. I was assigned to room 7 which contained 6 beds, but
as there were only about 35 intermediates, rooms were in plenty, and I only had 2 mates. One was Edward George of Haverhill,
MA, clerk of the district court, and Benjamin Abbott, of Lawrence, MA, by birth an Englishman. Both were agreeable men Abbott, full of fun and frolic and George, more of a steady and sedate nature and exceedingly companionable.

          The afternoon, being rainy and windy, by times, compelled
us to retire under cover until the showers had passed. A great many were sick and vomiting but as for myself I was without
even squeamishness. There being no objection a few of us made free enough to go to the supper deck and promenade. It is delightful up there with pure air and freedom from smell, and less tossing of the vessel. I met there many pleasant gentlemen whose company was agreeable and like all travelers the restraint of society is thrown off and enjoyment of the surroundings is
the main subject and thought of everyone. Goodwin the actor is among the cabin passengers. He is of a light sandy complexion and mustache, rather boyish in appearance and apparently young. He definitely bears the marks of dissipation, and certainly
is a fast man. I ate my dinner with a good deal of relish but at suppertime thinking of the possibilities I. confined myself
to a small piece of bread and butter and half a cup of tea. Feeling the want of rest, through the loss oŁ sleep on previous nights, I retired at 8 p.m..

          I awoke at 5 o'clock this morning feeling stiff and a good deal of pains in my back. After lying an hour longer I rose
and dressed myself, and felt better. George awoke (betimes) and went on deck but poor Abbott was sicker even than the day before and had to stay abed.


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